The summer of 2023 has been most unusual weather wise. The Northern hemisphere saw record breaking temperatures over the two already hottest months of the year. Debates continue to rise on whether this is related to human-induced global warming or just the normal fluctuations in temperature that we get over the years. Two highly regarded scientists have expressed their opinions based on scientific fact. I propose that we listen.
One of the effects of this extreme heat was an increase in wildfires all over the world. In particular, one fire in Quebec had far reaching effects on the United States. The wildfire season was worsened by artificial climate change. Physicist Friederike Otto states that it “was about 50 percent more intense because of human-induced climate change” and was “made at least twice as likely” due to global warming.
The director of the Penn Center of Science, Sustainability and the Media, Michael Mann, also stated the following:
“We can say, with a great deal of confidence, that we would not be seeing the unprecedented weather extremes we saw play out this past summer in the absence of human-caused warming from fossil fuel-generated carbon pollution.”
Although it is always hard to tell with weather patterns, it is impossible to ignore the opinions of two renowned scientists. Human induced climate change has indeed affected the summer temperatures. What is your opinion? What suggestions do you have on how to reverse the damage? Comment below!